Sunday, April 6, 2008

Nick and Miley Pictures *Exclusive* RARE

Duration: 00:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-03 14:57:38

Idk how rare these are. I love Miley and I love Nick, but I don't love NILEY lol


bebotbe123  2008-04-05 16:11:18

fuck nick!i rather have seen miley having sex with me!
JonasFanNumberOne  2008-04-02 16:48:11

JonasFanNumberOne  2008-04-02 16:47:44

you suck. ALOOOOT!!
JonasFanNumberOne  2008-04-02 16:46:44

you're right. everyone here is soo mean to miley and nick. if they dont like them, why do they spend their time writing dumb comments? anyway, i love miley and the jonas brothers!
JonasFanNumberOne  2008-04-02 16:45:30

first of all, thats not how you spell GORGEOUS and second of all, HOW COULD YOU call miley a monkey man? YOU'RE the one who looks like a monkey man.

'White and Nerdy' Air band

Duration: 02:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-05 18:55:08

Mt Prevost Middle School's air band, with 'White and Nerdy' note: I am not in any of the skits


NaDiNepinky  2007-07-31 20:36:41

lol thats me and my friends scearming in the back ground lol
qwask  2007-06-13 00:45:58

k never mind
ouka00  2007-06-13 00:45:35

No, thats Rachel KIRKpatrick, I'm rachel KITAGAWA
qwask  2007-06-13 00:44:45

this is rachel kitpatrick right
ouka00  2007-06-13 00:44:04

uuhhh... *bad memory*

尾崎豊 15の夜

Duration: 11:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-24 12:31:46



nacchan500  2008-02-25 10:07:49

嬉しい!どうもありがとうございます! 尾崎の気持ちよくわかる、私も中学のとき友達と二人で家出しました。風呂も入らず二週間ふらついてました。何が楽しいと言うわけじゃなかったけど、絶対家には帰らないって思いでいっぱいでした・・・

Mazhathulli Kilukkam 5

Duration: 09:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-27 23:45:17

hope you read the warning at the begining


Super Smash Brothers Melee: Link vs Capt. Falcon

Duration: 02:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-28 14:43:05

My Link against a level 9 C Falcon in Mushroom Kingdom. 3 stock battle. Those stupid blocks get in the way. Yes, I abused Link's up smash. Its a great move to clear the area and to edge guard. Please comment and rate. Enjoy. Note - This is my Gamecube footage.


7133029328  2008-03-25 16:41:09

NoReasonZ  2008-03-15 14:13:26

1:15 rofl pwned^^
2BM5  2008-02-25 09:47:43

yea that's ture
HaiRok  2008-01-27 22:06:36

link is a good character for beginners. but i like super smash for nintendo 64 better.
undderroathhh  2008-01-07 04:26:04

gooooooooo link!

Facundo Cabral - No soy de aqui ni soy de alla

Duration: 03:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-07 13:14:26


calabriadj  2008-03-27 22:37:14

Que cosa mas grande; bellisimo, no hay palabras. Este señor canta y canta como los mismisimos angeles, Viva facundo, Viva esta cancion, viva.
marloncalito83  2008-03-13 17:38:18

Grande Facundo!... Hace lo mas importante,q ninguna cancion de regueton hace ,pensar ,preocuparse un poco , no hace falta ser culto o en todo caso intelectual para aprender a vivir y el me recuerda mucho de eso,Mientras estemos en La Tierra tenemos tiempo para solventar cualquier falta, no importa que grave sea,si seguimos vivos sera por algo,si nuestra vida cambia es positivo mas aun cuando mis palabras o accciones ayudan a los demas , Gracias Facundo
pelosnarvaez  2008-03-11 02:16:27

Con esas canciones no me importa lo que hubiera hecho antes. El Don de componer esas letras le puede servir para redimir cualquier cosa.
soav90  2008-03-05 02:01:30

Puede que a un archivo nadie lo aguante, pero creo que es peor el tipo que se pierde en recuerdos solo por dejar un comentario donde el señor al que va dirigido no lo va a ver. Mejor deja la estadística de cuántas canciones vas a componer en tu vida, o cuántos poemas vas a escribir o cuántas vidas vas a cambiar. Pero ponte a vivir. Saludos, cuidate.
mardigital  2008-03-01 12:59:29

vos sos un boludo man

de lama's preilied

Duration: 03:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-18 16:50:40

zelfgemaakt filmpje met lama beelden


MyHorseGirl  2008-04-04 11:01:31

Arie is gay, Ruben is gewoon, tja, wat er al werd gezegd =P GEWOON LEKKER
yappies1  2008-04-01 10:31:55

Arie is MASTER!!! Vet jammer dat hij weg is :'(
volkiemarrie  2008-03-26 06:58:48

verschrikkelijk belachelijk
eoyouthday  2008-03-15 11:29:46

hijs mooooi hijs moooi
07luberti  2008-03-14 11:50:49

beschrijf Ruben Nicolai in 1 woord: superlieveschatigesexyman


Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-04-12 10:03:10

This is what a friend and i do on a Wednesday night with nothing better to do. Its a short scene with Sasuke and our voices. We are retarded. narutarded even.


tikki103  2007-10-02 21:39:06

run run run run run run... that was so great!
annyester  2007-07-27 04:37:33

Yay!!!!!!!)))) You ARE sooooo cool productions! OMG!!! XD
razorlinesnlovebites  2007-07-05 17:11:13

edfan666  2007-04-02 20:35:12

this is the funniest thing ive watched all night and ive watched alot of stuff tomnight much to my sisters yellin and my mom yellin and my dad snoring
Lontavius1986  2007-02-20 14:50:37

? what the hell?

Wpadka w TV cz.2

Duration: 00:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-04 07:54:21

cz.2 wpadki na żywo w telewizji jeden z uczestników który oglądał ten film udało mu się złapać otwartą linie i powiedział na zadające mu pytanie DUPA


airpolonia  2008-03-27 19:13:17

szkoda że nie ma3 cz. bo to jest świetne!
paterPL  2008-03-18 13:39:09

haha, dobre :P
GenPrzemoo  2008-03-08 16:52:52

Hahaha no co? Pasuje :)

Funny Videos my grandpa found^^

Duration: 05:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-23 18:54:35

These r videos that my grandpa has on his computer. I dont claim them as my own. These are really funny though^^


lilmissashley55  2008-03-30 15:08:30

some of those r not funny they really hurt peeps!
kayeneylon  2008-03-28 15:00:29

Lol some of that was funny the bit at the end with the directions LOL
kurtislawlor  2007-11-24 16:03:57

sooo funny
DatMaGrandpa  2007-11-04 12:46:43

elementgolfer  2007-08-03 16:54:52
