Sunday, September 16, 2007

Infidel Ann Druyan: Dignified destruction of a Christian

Duration: 08:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-06 21:55:05
User: dfarmer1584
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This is glorious infidel Ann Druyan's classic destruction of Christian moron Darrin Screiber at the Beyond Belief '06 conference. I tried to spice up the combat with some "impartial" editing and sound effects. The entire, unedited, recordings of the Beyond Belief conference are available here: The entire conference is worth watching!

Aegialeus ::: Favorites
She delivered her argument with great enlightment and class. I love that edit of michelangelo frescoes at 7:20.
07-09-11 20:34:12
dfarmer1584 ::: Favorites
[...] There were at least three Nobel laureates in that audience, many members of the National Academy of Sciences, members of The Royal Society, and various other BIG ASS BRAINS! What was that silly Christian thinking? I did check him out later, however, and it seems he was genuine--a genuine idiot!
07-09-07 08:49:31
dfarmer1584 ::: Favorites
You are so right Phil. When I first saw this, I actually suspected Darren Schreiber of being a "plant"; like he were just some fall-guy, strawman, set up for Annie to knock down--I mean, really, how could the guy be so dense? [...]
07-09-07 08:49:04
philhellenes ::: Favorites
It's almost like she knew the idiot was coming. Personally, I would have asked him how he, as a "scientist" explained a man surviving in the stomach of a whale for longer than two minutes. If he said it was "just a story", I'd have asked when was the last time he "contemplated" Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, but then I lack the ladies tact. 5.
07-09-07 07:29:24
patflix ::: Favorites
The sound effects!!!! Oh man that was funny.
07-09-07 04:23:03
dfarmer1584 ::: Favorites
mmmmmmmmm cookie! I humbly accept your kind words me-lady, but I must pass the cookies to the wonderful Ann Druyan! She pwns with class!
07-09-07 01:57:39
dfarmer1584 ::: Favorites
Wouldn't humanity absolutely thrive if people like Ann and Carl were allowed to assume their rightful leadership role, instead of being excluded and vilified because they refuse to pretend the existence of and all powerful sky fairy?
07-09-07 01:40:46
xJediHowieX ::: Favorites
Love it. Great video.
07-09-07 01:37:49
AESTHETE24 ::: Favorites
What an amazing video. As the Christian was talking, I was thinking many of the things that Ann was later to say. NICE! I added this as a favorite. Amazing.
07-09-06 23:50:42
thequestionmarkofGod ::: Favorites
Lady Sara is pleased, what a beautiful, gentle tone our heroine pwns with. 5* and have yourself a cookie, or two : )
07-09-06 23:28:18
GalacticAtom ::: Favorites
Ann Druyan is wonderful! I watched the entire Beyond Belief conference a few months ago, and recommend it.
07-09-06 22:57:34
eddygoombah ::: Favorites
wow, she is amazing!
07-09-06 22:44:48
yonex1us ::: Favorites
y'all full of shit
07-09-06 22:25:25

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